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  • We help

    people with special needs

    learn, grow and communicate

    We design and develop innovative applications, software and hardware
    to improve the quality of life for people with special needs

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    At Garage94, we are dedicated to revolutionize learning for individuals with disability.

    We are dedicated to revolutionize learning for individuals with disability.

    Our team of experts, including psychologists, pedagogists, teachers, speech therapists, and psychomotricists, collaborates to design and develop cutting-edge software and hardware solutions.

    With years of experience, we aim to facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities in schools across Italy.

    Our innovative product


    LIAR is a communicator developed for people with speech communication disorder, which is used for Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC).

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    Events, fairs and training courses

    for educators, teachers and healthcare professionals

    Events, fairs and training courses for educators, teachers and healthcare professionals

    Our training courses are designed to promote knowledge of tools tailored for individuals with special needs. We offer comprehensive training to educators and caregivers to ensure effective use of our products.

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    Hear what they say

    From child experts to caregivers, they all have something to say about our products.

    "Being able to use an AAC device such as LIAR has enabled us to speed up a lot of learning and encourage the extension and expansion of communication skills. For children, it means being able to communicate needs and wants with very short teaching trainings. For parents, the convenience allows it to be used in any environment. For teachers, the great adaptability allows many of the lessons on verbal behavior to be transferred to a single device."

    Centro Parole per Dirlo

    Any Question?

    Consult us for any product that you are interested in.
    Just fill out the form!
